Create stylish stories without design skills

Tell — A mobile app for creating Instagram stories

Tell Intro background

13 months


Photo Editor App


Mobile App Development



Stories templates

Unusual and creative templates for social media stories are drawn from scratch by our design team.

Easy customization

They help you to create a sticker that will make all your friends laugh and reflect the emotions perfectly.

No design skills required

If you have no experience in designing images or photo editing, it’s not a problem: You need none of it with Tell.


Project Idea

Today, we receive most of the information via visual content. Our team wanted to create an app that will help Instagram users upgrade their visuals and make profiles engaging and eye-catching.


UX designer

UI designer

QA engineer

Backend developer

IOS developer

Project manager



Tell first wireframeTell first wireframe

Technology Stack

Tell Technology Stack


The app contains collections of unique templates that users can apply to the photos and then export images directly to Instagram.

Tell Stylish fonts second

Stylish fonts

Besides templates and text customization, Tell provides you with various decor elements (stickers, lettering).

Tell Stylish fontsYWS > Works > CaseStudy > Tell > Special > Stylish fonts > Arrow
Tell decor elements second

Decor elements

Besides templates and text customization, Tell provides you with various decor elements (stickers, lettering).

Tell decor elementsYWS > Works > CaseStudy > Tell > Special > Decor elements > Arrow

Challenges and Solutions

Here are the most notable challenges our team faced while developing Tells

Templates format


Some templates cover 60 percent of the app’s work field. They have quite a complex layout which makes them hard to integrate into the app.


Our design team saves templates in a certain image format so developers can smoothly add them to collections without crashes and bugs.

Tell templates format

Movable elements


The work field of a template is quite huge and has a lot of dynamic elements to manage. Once we faced the sequence of actions that provoked a bug. A user started working with a template, and at one moment the app froze which made the user reload the app.


Our design team saves templates in a certain image format so developers can smoothly add them to collections without crashes and bugs.

Movable elements


The app is released. Available worldwide. A redesign is coming soon animationtell